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The Purpose of a Grease Trap

The Purpose of a Grease Trap Grease traps are often called interceptors and grease converters and they have one main purpose, to catch or intercept the grease and solid waste before they enter the wastewater in a septic or sewer system. These grease traps are metal or plastic tank fixtures, attached to plumbing systems, that contain pools of rotting food and waste. Fats, oils, and grease are lighter than water and float to the top of the tanks.  Grease traps have been around since the 1880’s and the technology has remained almost the same since then. They have a tank that acts as a reservoir holding the wastewater and solids that enter the trap. As the wastewater cools, the fat, oil, and grease hardens, and allows the food solids to settle. These solids, being lighter than water, float to the top of the grease trap. The wastewater is forced through the grease trap and out to the septic or sewer system. The fat, oil, and grease remain in the tank increasing in volume fro

Symptoms of a Failing Septic System | Long Island Cesspool & Septic Services |

Symptoms of a Failing Septic System Septic tank failure can cause a smelly, dangerous and costly mess and it’s something that you should absolutely avoid. If your home has a septic system, you should make sure to watch out for any signs of trouble. Here are five symptoms that your septic tank is not working as it should. Each of these symptoms should be taken seriously and handled immediately. If you notice any of these signs then you should call a septic system service to inspect your system. Smell A clear indication that your septic system isn’t right is the smell. If the smell of sewage anywhere near your home, drain-field, or within your home then trouble may be brewing. Greener grass The first sign of a drain-field beginning to fail is an increasing amount of moisture in the soil. If you notice that the grass is growing quicker or vibrantly around the septic tank site, then there’s likely a problem. Excessive plant growth shows that the problem may have bee

How Often Should You Pump Your Septic Tank | Long Island Cesspool & Septic Services |

How Often Should You Pump Your Septic Tank The answer to question of how often one should service their septic tank depends on a multitude of factors. Thankfully, there is a way to stay up-to-date on septic maintenance. Initially, you should have your tank pumped 3-5 years after it’s installed new. This first service will provide you with valuable insight into the condition of the septic tank and the amount of solids. The pumping professionals can then recommend a schedule based on the thickness of the solids, together with other factors like the timing since the tank was new or last serviced as well as the number of people living in the home. Keep in mind that there really is no way to predict the conditions of a septic tank over a period of time. That said, if a pumper provides a recommendation for how often to pump your septic system, they are only basing this recommendation on what they see at the moment. Any changes in habits or lifestyle can, and will, affect the sept