Grease Trap Professional Cleaning Tactics & Procedures | Murphy's Cesspool & Septic,
Need professional restaurant grease trap cleaning ? Call Murphy's Cesspool & Septic . Any restaurateur, coffeehouse manager, grocery store owner or supervisor of other commercial food establishment knows the grease trap must be cleaned. While lifting out the jumble of fats, oils and grease (FOG) is an unpleasant task, the job must be done—and regularly. Cleaning the grease trap is relatively simple, requiring average physical stamina for the few minutes it takes to complete this necessary mission. To get started, arm yourself with the right gear : Rubber gloves – to protect your hands Nose plug or gas mask – to defend against noxious odors Protective coveralls – to prevent FOGs from soiling your clothing Crowbar and wrench – to lift off the grease trap lid Scraper– to clean the tank Shop vacuum – to suction out the FOGs Find the grease trap location. Grease traps are located on the food establishment’s premises,either ou...