
Showing posts with the label drain cleaning long island ny

Sewer & Drain Repair | Nassau & Suffolk County, NY

Sewer & Drain Repair | Nassau & Suffolk County, NY Murphy's   S ewer & Drain ServiceSuffolk County, Long Island, NY In the ideal case, a  Sewer System  is completely gravity-powered, like a  Septic System . Pipes from each house or building flow to a sewer main that runs, for example, down the middle of the street. The sewer main might be 3 to 5 feet (1 to 1.5 m) in diameter. Periodically, a vertical pipe will run up from the main to the surface, where it is covered by a  manhole cover .  manhole cover  allow access to the main for maintenance purposes. The  Sewer Mains  flow into progressively larger pipes until they reach the wastewater treatment plant. In order to help gravity do its job, the wastewater treatment plant is usually located in a low-lying area, and  Sewer Mains  will often follow creekbeds and streambeds (which flow naturally downhill) to the plant. Normally, the lay of the land will not ...